Seventeen years on...
Yesterday, April 7th, marked the anniversary of the first day of the genocide in Rwanda; figures range from 800,000 to 1,000,000 people killed in 90 days. For myself, I cannot imagine how individuals and the country could come back from that. And yet, they are.
With our focus on women this month, we offer this LINK as one example of what creativity, tenacity and compassion can make reality; the Gashora Girls Academy.
This is a LETTER from the head of the school.
And this VIDEO is by the architectural firm that designed the campus. I share it because it shows a beautiful school, and we wish for all young girls and boys, in Rwanda, and elsewhere, to have schools like this. Education is the main tool we have to make a difference in the world. It is the main tool we have to try to make sure that never again, means never again.
It seems to me that we must remember Rwanda's history and celebrate these girl's future, all together today.
Reader Comments (1)
The article is worth reading, I like it very much. I will keep your new articles.